
Simplifying the 100-Day Workout Productivity Cycle

EXCELeratorTM expertly tracks results across your entire organization. Access progress updates on a real-time basis and instantly highlight accomplishments, identify potential areas for improvement, and make progress or its absence instantly visible.  EXCELeratorTM automatically displays your results with easy-to-read graphics. With a single click of a button, you can summarize and filter data across your entire institution or examine progress at the individual manager level.  This powerful tool provides a uniform platform for creating 100-Day Action Plans and improves accountability for achieving targets at all levels within your organization.

Rapid Creation of 100-Day Action Plans

EXCELeratorTM supports the flawless execution of the 100-Day Action Plan. This application makes it easy for managers to create their individual 100-Day Action plan and for senior leaders to assess organizational progress. Capture and prioritize potential opportunities and reduce seemingly insurmountable goals in to achievable projects while providing supervisors and managers an excellent method for tracking progress and managing critical deadlines.

Powerful Summation Reporting

EXCELeratorTM puts you in control of the 100-Day Workout process by automatically summarizing individual 100-Day Action Plans at every level of the organization. Upon installation, EXCELeratorTM is tailored to your organization’s structure. It provides senior management with instant access to powerful summation reports using color graphs and charts that make it easy to identify variances to plan as well as success stories.

Benefits of using EXCELeratorTMinclude:

  • Uniform method for creating 100-Day Action plans
  • Access to real-time, cloud-based updates
  • Multiple level summation customized to your organization:
    • By manager
    • By director
    • By Vice President
    • By Team
    • Organization Summary
  • Automatically summarizes information, displays charts and graphs
  • Documentation of all improvements and accomplishments
  • Validation of actual savings and tracks ROI
  • Enhanced accountability at all levels of the organization
  • Reduced training time by using an intuitive user interface

Early Detection of Variation to Plan

A key attribute of flawless execution is detecting variation to plan early enough for the organization to take corrective action. EXCELeratorTM includes an automatic E-Mail Alert which notifies supervisors when critical tasks are not completed by the targeted date. The automatic e-mail feature keeps senior leaders on top of critical deadlines and facilitates the management of multiple projects across multiple departments.

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